From The Onion...
Having endured acting in a Merchant of Venice in which I was costumed in a red, white, and blue track suit...
And a Romeo and Juliet with Madonna, En Vogue and Run DMC on the soundtrack...
I particularly appreciate this piece from The Onion. For those of you who have not spent time making or attending community and academic theater please take my word - they nailed it.
Unconventional Director Sets Shakespeare Play In Time, Place Shakespeare Intended
MORRISTOWN, NJ—In an innovative, tradition-defying rethinking of one of the greatest comedies in the English language, Morristown Community Players director Kevin Hiles announced Monday his bold intention to set his theater's production of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice in 16th-century Venice...
Full Story Here
Dan... and everyone else who's a thee-ahhh-tahhh type...
You *must* find and watch Slings and Arrows!! Canadian series; three seasons only (season 3 hits the DVD rack in early July)
Set in "New Burbage, Ontario" at the "New Burbage Shakespeare Festival" it does a number on such organizations while at the same time providing exceptional acting, fascinating characters, pathos and humor and some very very intriguing takes on Hamlet (season 1) MacBeth and R&J (season 2).
I've preordered season 3 and am eagerly awaiting Lear.
I remember this production Dan. I fondly recall the modern interp of the line, "I love her... NOT!"
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